DbEye is a simple SQL database front-end. It is written in python utilizing the wxPython toolkit for native cross-platform functionality.

      NOTE: DbEye is currently alpha software.
            Use at your own risk.



2006-11-17 - v0.0.0
Had a chance to do a ton of updates.
  • Virtual grid works with large data sets.
  • Some more unit tests
  • Much refactoring for handling other database engines
  • Prelim db connection for sqlite and postgres
  • Export to XML and CSV files
  • Editing procs and functions
  • Nicer icons
2006-09-11 - v0.0.0
The site is up and code in svn.


There are no release packages yet. You can get the code with svn.

      svn co https://svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/dbeye/trunk dbeye
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